
Showing posts from February, 2018

Unicorn Sparkles #04

Hi everyone and welcome back to my blog! So this week is actually week 4, I learned about Podcasts and Digital Storytelling in Language Learning. So, what is Podcasts actually? Podcasts is  audio and/or video file ‘broadcast’ via the Internet  The usage of podcasts in language learning: Students can listen to existing podcasts Students can create their own podcasts Tools that you need to create a podcasts: An audio/recording tools: Online voice recorder Or your smartphone Audio editing tools: Audacity Or any online audio editor After you finished creating your podcasts, you can freely upload it on the Internet through: Youtube iTunes SoundCloud Blog

Unicorn Sparkes #03

Hi everyone, welcome back to my blog! It is currently week 3 and what we learned on Monday is Search Engines & Online Database . What does it mean by search engines and online database? It is a web tool that allow users to enter keywords and find information on websites contained in its database . For examples, we have Google and Yahoo . These search engines use software that collects data from the Web & include in its database. For your information, each search engine has its own database. We also learned about parts of search engine. There are 4 parts of search engine: Database - to store references to Webpages Web crawlers - to find and compile indexes of web pages User interface Information Retrieval System (IRS) Database - it is a storage where all indexed webpages are stored. It contains only essential information of a Web Page. This is where the user's query is matched. Web crawlers - It is an automated program / bet. It crawls all over the Web

Unicorn Sparkles #02

Hi everyone, we meet again in my second blog post. So this week, Madam Azidatun taught us about types of blog writing for English Language Teaching (ELT). There are 4 types of blog that we can find that are: Weblog: It is frequently updated website like an online journal. It is easy to set up and maintain the blog. Other than that, people can easily access the online resource and the blog will be much interesting if we put videos and picture. Tutor blog: This blog is run by the teacher of the class. For example, Madam Azidatun is the teacher of the class, so Madam Azidatun runs the tutor blog. The tutor blog consists of syllabus material. course information, homework, and assignments. Class blog: This kind of blog is actually accessed by class members and teachers. Teacher and students able to post in the main section as well as comment section. The class blog also can be used as a discussion place and as usual the teacher is the moderator of the blog. Learner blog: